i won! vegan style

i won! organics are the right chips for every person who values their health and loves a great snack! with all the amazing flavors and super protein boost, they also make for amazing additives to almost any meal. there is a widespread recognition that eating less meat or going animal free can be a huge boost to your health and that of the planet, so we thought we would show you how i won! can help healthy stay tasty.

i won! organics protein snacks

 first consider your midday snack. turn down that spicy turkey jerky and opt for one of these delicious flavors: sriracha, bbq, sea salt or cinnamon french toast. you still get a kick from the 12 grams of protein and a mouth full of mind blowing taste, but you also did a small part to better your life and the lives of animals.

for a more filling afternoon break, opt for a bowl of pesto hummus and sea salt i won! chips. you’ll have the energy to complete your to do list and still hit the gym after!

i won! chips with hummus

if you’re attending a bbq with your non-vegan friends, don’t despair. here’s something they will all dig into and without the usual look of skepticism. make a seven-layer bean dip with some pica de gallo, black beans, corn, guacamole, cashew sour cream, vegan cheese dip, shredded lettuce and fill a bowl with bbq i won! chips for dipping. your dish will be the first to go!

for a meatier option that serves up vegan standards with carnivore tastes, grab a bag of the sriracha chips and crush them up in coarse pieces.

choose an extra firm tofu and cut it into ¼ inch slices. press evenly with a paper towel to remove as much moisture as possible.

now lightly brush your slices with olive oil (or marinate in a sauce of your choosing) and press them into the crushed sriracha i won! chips.

place all the slices on a non-stick cookie sheet or baking pan and bake in the oven at 400 degrees, turning regularly for around 20 minutes or until they have turned crispy and golden. get ready to have your mouth screaming for more.

show everyone that vegan may be short on animal products, but it is by no means short on mouth craving flavors!