guilt-free chocolate pudding

chocolate pudding is something no one should have to give up. so make it healthy and you can have it any day of the week. we’ve got a recipe for guilt-free chocolate pudding that is vegan, raw, and gluten-free. not only that but it’s also full of antioxidants and rich in magnesium and healthy fats.

and just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, this guilt-free chocolate pudding is perfect for dipping with our cinnamon french toast protein chips. so grab your food processor and let’s get cooking!

guilt-free chocolate pudding



  • place all ingredients into your food processor and blend until smooth.
  • place in the fridge until chilled – about 1/2 hour.
  • garnish with spirals of orange zest, or if you prefer, a sprig of mint, some cocoa nibs, or raspberries – it’s your choice!

we got the idea for this recipe from i won! organics ambassador mandy vleeming (@mandyvleeming), who loves dipping into chocolate pudding with our cinnamon french toast flavor chips. she says:

they gave it a little crunchy punch to my taste buds!

mandy believes in living a healthy lifestyle and bringing a positive attitude to getting fit. after losing 17 pounds and 8 percent body fat in 3 months, she says getting fit changed the entire course of her life:

i felt inspired and motivated beyond anything i had ever experienced. i knew from that moment i wanted to help others achieve that same euphoric feeling and show people that anything is possible, if you just try.

mandy is now living her dream as a personal trainer and helping others achieve their health and fitness goals. this is how she describes that #iwonfeeling:

i get that #iwonfeeling seeing my clients work as hard as they do to achieve a goal no matter how big or small; it makes me extremely proud. i can provide the tools, but it is ultimately up to them whether they are successful or not. they inspire me to keep going, just like I do for them. we support each other and help each other, and that right there is the greatest gift a person in my position could ever receive.

it’s that #iwonfeeling!
i won! organics