A Message from Our Founder

to all our IWON Organics family,

I just wanted to send a message to check in and say hello, while also giving you an update on our company and our team. We have continued to make the best of the current situation by adapting our work lifestyle and continuing to work from home. It’s worked much better than expected and we anticipate this to be a long-term opportunity, allowing us to be a bit more open when it comes to our work environment options. Most of our team members have families, so we have adjusted and continue to adjust to home education and all the things that come with kids being confined for a long period of time. I personally have two young kids so things have been a bit hectic, but we are adapting the best we can.

IWON organics protein snacks

Our snacks have been selling well, especially direct to consumer on our website and on Amazon. We, of course, like to see that as a growing company, but it also makes us feel good to know that people are continuing to make healthy choices during an unsettling time. On the other hand, some of our snacks in retail stores saw a dip in late March and into April. We believe families were making the choice to purchase more comfort foods during the start of SIP. That has started to change as of late, and we are seeing our in-store sales rise again, and we are very thankful. We are certain that our customers and future customers will integrate health back into their lifestyle, if they haven’t already. Immunity is key, now more than ever. 

IWON organics snacks in-storeWith that, I hope you are taking care of yourself, I know it’s not easy and making the right health and nutrition choices is difficult. I often talk about the need for balance when it comes to food, work, family and exercise. I try to stay out of the high highs and low lows. Again this is not easy. However, if we all remind ourselves that it’s one day at a time, we can get to the finish line together. As a brand, we hope we are offering you something that’s not only nutritious but delicious, snacks that you, your friends and your family can enjoy. We all look forward to life getting back to normal, and we truly believe it’s around the corner. I wish you nothing but health, happiness and safety until we get there.

To health and happiness,

Mark A. Samuel Founder / CEO

stay strong, stick together

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